Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The End of the Year is Coming to an End...

Well, for me, the end of the school year is here! I have only 8 days, 4 finals and 1 day of driving from Texas back to Minnesota for the Summer! I am very excited and can't wait to be home and spend time with my brothers (you know who you are!), go to the cabin, fish, slalom ski, jet ski - you name it! I will also be returning to the EVGC (Eagle Valley Golf Course) again for the fourth Summer in a row!  What can I say - I love it there.  And another thing I have been missing is my drum set!  It's just sitting there waiting for me to get home and play it!

Besides what I am excited about doing this Summer, many big things are happening as well.  My sister, Megan, is getting married this Summer to an amazing guy, Christian Hammond.  I can't wait to hang out with them as well this Summer - going golfing, to the cabin, and whatever else has in store. Also, my other sister Kayla and her boyfriend Steve - hanging out with you guys this Summer is going to be awesome!  

So let's just say - I AM EXCITED TO LEAVE LeTOURNEAU!!!!  Like they say, "Home is where the heart is." That is very true, I miss my home, Minnesota, family, my brothers, my drum set... but don't worry, I will be missing all the people I have meet at LeTourneau so far... all these people I have meet here are awesome!  T3 rocks!  Woot!  

Well, hopefully these finals will go well and that I will finish strong here...

About Me

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I am going to LeTourneau University in Longview, TX. I am studying Mechanical Engineering.
