Monday, September 28, 2009

The Bridge

Well, I have not blogged in a long time. So, I will try to get back at this thing...

Right now, I am sitting at a church's coffee shop in Longview, TX called Bridge 281. It is located off of Highway 281. I don't know why it's really called a "bridge" because it's not even on a bridge or an overpass. They probably have their reason for it, but I am going to make up my own reason for it as I sit here.

When I think of a bridge relating to Christianity, I think of the typical picture of us standing on one side of the valley and God is standing on the other side of the valley. The only way we can get across to God is by a bridge (also known as a cross for this picture). The way the cross is formed was when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. This now allows us to get to God when we ask for forgiveness and choose to follow Him.

So now, I realize that they are using this place for any one to come to to study, hang out with friends, have coffee, tea... whatever - it's a place to hang out and this church is branching out to the community and inviting them into a place where God is visible. By calling this place a bridge, people might ask why they are doing this, well I think they are doing this so that they can help make that bridge (the Cross, Jesus Christ) visible for everyone!

Well, that is about it for now. Hopefully I will find time and keep blogging.

And do not judge me for my drawing skills on paint.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


This just crossed my mind when I was playing/tuning my drums the other day. It amazes me that just a tweak on the drum lugs will make a huge difference between terrible and excellent. I found that this is directly related to my walk with God. I always have two decisions... to make it good or make it bad. If I go too far towards one direction... it could easily sound terrible and be a bad decision. But slight and steady tuning will make it easy to find that right pitch and be sure of the right choice. Therefore, everyday when I come across situations, I have to decide which direction or how quick I will make my tuning. If I think about what and how the decision will effect me, I am sure of finding the right choice and creating that perfect sound. Because when we are on tune with God, you find and learn more things about Him and it makes a beautiful noise. Like when your drums sound beautiful, it is a lot more enjoyable to play and listen to. This is why it is so important to me to seek after God and find that tune that makes Him shine!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The End of the Year is Coming to an End...

Well, for me, the end of the school year is here! I have only 8 days, 4 finals and 1 day of driving from Texas back to Minnesota for the Summer! I am very excited and can't wait to be home and spend time with my brothers (you know who you are!), go to the cabin, fish, slalom ski, jet ski - you name it! I will also be returning to the EVGC (Eagle Valley Golf Course) again for the fourth Summer in a row!  What can I say - I love it there.  And another thing I have been missing is my drum set!  It's just sitting there waiting for me to get home and play it!

Besides what I am excited about doing this Summer, many big things are happening as well.  My sister, Megan, is getting married this Summer to an amazing guy, Christian Hammond.  I can't wait to hang out with them as well this Summer - going golfing, to the cabin, and whatever else has in store. Also, my other sister Kayla and her boyfriend Steve - hanging out with you guys this Summer is going to be awesome!  

So let's just say - I AM EXCITED TO LEAVE LeTOURNEAU!!!!  Like they say, "Home is where the heart is." That is very true, I miss my home, Minnesota, family, my brothers, my drum set... but don't worry, I will be missing all the people I have meet at LeTourneau so far... all these people I have meet here are awesome!  T3 rocks!  Woot!  

Well, hopefully these finals will go well and that I will finish strong here...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Madness! Who's got the Madness?

Well everyone, it's that time of the year again.  March Madness!  Where teams from across the country have played for this time of the year to play in the big dance.  Many fans across the nation are filling out brackets, making bets, listening to ESPN and their thoughts on which team has the best chance of winning the National Championship.  

Of course, I am definitely filling out a bracket this year.  Who wouldn't? Might as well and have some fun.  Go for the upsets! Yet, don't go crazy with just choosing upsets or you have no chance on doing the best on the bracket selection.  What do you think of the typical 12 seed upsetting the 5 seed this year?  Is it going to happen this year or not? Whoever you choose - have some fun!  Get some friends together and set up a bracket challenge and play for pride! (or money if you want)

-The Drummer

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"I want to go while swinging a club"

My mom called me last night with some sad news, my great Uncle passed away yesterday afternoon.  He lived in Pensacola, Florida on the A.C. Read Naval Air Base with his wife.  He played golf every single day with some of his friends down there.  I have actually had the privilege to play golf with him as well.  I went down with my parents to visit them three Spring Breaks ago.  My dad, Great Uncle Mel, and I went out and played a few rounds of golf when we were down there.  Let me tell you, that is a wonderful course.  Right on the ocean with planes flying and practicing above you.  It was a great sight.  And I will probably never forget the moments we had while we played together.

However, this is what I wanted to focus on.  When I was down there, my Great Uncle Mel told us, "Whenever it is my time to go, I want to either be swinging a golf club or go by my wife's side."  It was true for him, he went the way he wanted to go.  He passed away while going to play a round of golf.  

After hearing that, I am wondering what I want to be doing when I die.  I haven't thought of it too much but I know that I want to be doing what I love the most, by the one I love the most, as well as serving the one I love the most - Jesus.  

How would you prefer to go?  With who?  What you are doing last?

- The Drummer

Monday, March 2, 2009

Think About It.

So I have applied to be my floors RA for next year, which I hope to get of course.  But now onto the more important thing I saw when I was waiting to be interviewed for my position.  

I was outside waiting to be called in, as I was looking around I saw this small bumper sticker on the door.  It said: "Never put a period where God has placed a comma."  I thought this was brilliant. So the next time you read God's Word, look at where He puts commas and make sure you read all the way through in order to get His point! And remember, don't replace that comma with a period! 

-The Drummer

Friday, February 27, 2009

"Christian" Lyrics or Chrisitans playing Music...

Yes I have not posted anything in awhile but I felt like writing about this.  About a week ago I was on the website of 'As I Lay Dying' and I wanted to find more about who they were.  I heard that they were "Christian" even though they are a screamo-band.  On their website, Tim Lambesis stated on the band's FAQ, 

"I'm not sure what the difference is between five Christians playing in a band and a Christian band. If you truly believe something, then it should affect every area of your life. All five of us are Christians. I believe that change should start with me first, and as a result, our lyrics do not come across very "preachy." Many of our songs are about life, struggles, mistakes, relationships and other issues that don't fit entirely in the spiritual category. However, all of these topics are written about through my perspective as a christian. (

After reading this I thought that this makes perfect sense! We don't just always need artists writing "Christian" lyrics, we need Christians to be playing the music!  The more bands and artists who write like this will attract people from all over and impact many.

What do you think?

-The Drummer.

About Me

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I am going to LeTourneau University in Longview, TX. I am studying Mechanical Engineering.
